Saturday 8 January 2011

Supreme 90 Day Workout

The Supreme 90 Day Workout is the latest product on the market poised to cash in on the post Christmas bingers!

This one claims you can get ripped in 90 days which depending on how fit you are at the moment is at least possible unlike the nonsense you usually hear. Using what it calls muscle confusion the product claims it can give you a fantastic fat burning workout for a fraction of the cost of some of the more gimmicky products available today.

At $20 + S&H you get 10 DVD's a nutrition guide and free online support for a month so at least with this product you're getting a lot of stuff! This looks to be something that is trying to compete with the P90X system which has a $120 price tag.

The jury is out at the moment as to whether the 90 Day Workout is as effective as they say it is because no real user reviews exist yet whereas the P90X has had some rave reviews.

I'll be keeping my eye on this one (sadly they won't ship one out to me because I live in the UK) and I'm hoping someone will write a real review and post it on my Blog.

To check out the Supreme 90 Day Workout follow the link to my workout reviews Blog and discover for yourself just how good or bad the 90 Day Workout is.

Friday 29 October 2010

The Step360 Review

In the run up to January we can expect to see many new pieces of at home exercise equipment to hit the market and the latest offering is from Giam in the form of the Step360.

The Step360 is a step with a difference. It's claim to fame is that it provides an unstable surface from which to workout on (it's wobbly) and unlike a traditional step it's circular in shape.

By only partially inflating it's two concentric rings it's platform will move around as you step up and down on it. This causes more of your stability muscles to engage in an effort to keep you upright which in turn will cause you to burn more calories than the same workout done on a fixed step.

Now the amount of extra calories burned will be small but the main benefit of this instability will be more stabilizing muscle engagement which will help with your bodies overall stability.

I like this piece of equipment as it's simple, has no moving parts to break and if used regularly will help you meet your fitness goals.

Although it's more expensive than a traditional step I think using it will be more fun and if you're looking for something that's going to inspire you to exercise more then it's well worth a look.

For a more detailed review of The Step360 please visit my Blog.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

The Kettleworx Reviews

Most people want something for nothing that's why they fall for the clever sales tactics used to sell the latest exercise gimmick to hit the market. The promise of getting the body they've dreamed of without having to do any work is just to hard to resist.

Well I'm sorry but it just isn't true. Losing fat and looking great is going to require some work and commitment on your part and no amount of wishing it was different is going to make any difference.

That's why I like programs like the Kettleworx. Kettleworx makes it very clear that you are going to have to workout for 20 mins a day and for at least 3 times a week honesty at last.

Because the Kettleworx combines cardio with strength training in one workout the time required to get results is reduced.

I think this is one of the better fitness programs on the market today and if you'd like more details I've written a full Kettleworx Review here.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Belly Burner And The Basics of Short Term Weight Loss

Whether you are interested in doing it or just want to see how it works, short term weight loss has caught your attention. There are a number of valid reasons to do this, and methods that you can employ in order to safely lose a significant amount of weight for a short period of time.

Most people can safely lose weight for a short period of time, but a number of different groups should avoid it. In particular, seniors and teenagers should try to avoid this type of sudden weight loss, as they have to be careful about the nutrients they consume. Anyone else with special health needs, such as diabetics or those taking medications should consult a doctor before attempting to suddenly lose weight.

The reasons for short term weight loss are as varied as those who attempt it. Some want to beat competitors in a beauty contest, while others need to impress their in-laws for a weekend. Wrestlers want to enter a lower weight category than they might otherwise, and models want to look thinner for photo shoots. All sorts of reasons exist for wanting to temporarily lose weight, and no matter what your reason, as long as you don't fit into any of the at-risk categories for quick weight loss, you can go ahead and look into it.

You should test the process once, well before the event or competition you are trying to lose weight for. This will give you a chance to get a feeling for how much weight you can lose each day, how long you can safely keep it off, and get you accustomed to whatever procedure you choose to safely and quickly lose weight. Then, a few days before the competition (or whatever interval you have determined is appropriate based on your earlier trial), you can do it again and you'll have a better idea of what you're doing.

There are several different methods for actually undergoing the weight loss process. Some people try to steam the weight off, while others cut down on their water intake and hope for the best. New inventions like the Belly Burner help people to burn weight by heating their torsos even more so that any exercise impacts their weight more than it would have otherwise. Initial reviews of this product and others indicate that it works very well for short term weight loss purposes.

After the event or competition is over, you have to carefully recover. Don't consume too much water all at once, even if you're thirsty. Ease yourself back into a normal, healthy state. Don't be surprised if your weight exceeds your original weight for a little while, as your body tries to store water weight in case you're in the middle of a drought (your body doesn't know you're only trying to temporarily lose weight).

These are just the basics of short term weight loss. If you would like to explore it further, you can purchase a device like the Belly Belt or do further in-depth reading on other, more complicated methods of short term weight loss.

Monday 17 August 2009

The Ab Circle Pro Reviews And Ratings

In my role as a Personal Trainer and exercise equipment reviewer, I often like to compare various pieces of exercise equipment aimed at the home market to see how they measure up to each other. I look at equipment in the same price bracket, or similar and then analyse purpose, ease-of-use, convenience and how interesting it makes your workouts.

Very popular on the Internet and informercial channels at present are two pieces of equipment called the Ab Circle Pro and the Firm Wave. The former involves kneeling on pads and moving your hips and can strengthen and tone your abdominal area, and the latter offers full body toning incorporated into a cardio workout.

The Ab Circle Pro gives a cardiovascular workout as you swing your knees from side to side on the semicircular track and works your abdominals and obliques at the same time to give you toned, flat abs and a trim waistline as well as conditioning your lungs and heart.

The body positioning on the Ab Circle Pro can feel quite challenging to start with if your upper body is weak, but within a week or so of regular use you will start to strengthen and tone your arm and chest muscles. The all fours positioning is also very good for strengthening the bones in your arms.

Ideally your back should be almost flat, with just a small hollow in your lower back - it should not sag and your tailbone should neither be sticking up or tucked under. This position keeps you abdominals muscles flat while you work them, which makes it a lot better for toning the abs correctly and much better than doing hundreds of sit-ups.

If you do ab crunches on the floor, it is easy to get them wrong and make the appearance of your abs even worse than before, and you can also make your neck and shoulders ache. The Ab Circle Pro makes it much easier to work your abs correctly; if you find the knee supports make your knees sore, some extra padding seems to work well.

The Ab Circle Pro comes with a useful healthy eating guide and a three-minute DVD. In this price range it represents good value for money and will be very helpful in burning fat and giving you flatter abs if you exercise on it regularly as part of a varied exercise routine.

To read the Ab Circle Pro Review and user ratings please visit my As Seen On TV Reviews Site.

Saturday 15 August 2009

Using your Exercise Ball

If you've been engaging in traditional cardiovascular exercises, or doing weight lifting exercises without seeing any results, then you may want to try using an exercise ball. The ball is a great way to increase your strength, tone your core muscles and even lose weight. However, you have to know how to use it correctly, as well as the best places to find an exercise ball. Here are a few tips that may help.

One of the first things that you'll want to do is find out which ball is the right size for you. The correct exercise ball should be selected depending on your weight and height, so if you are between 4'11" and 5'4", then you should purchase a ball that is 55 cm in diameter. If you are a little taller, (up to about 5'11"), then you should choose an exercise ball that is 65 cm. In diameter. For men and women who are over 6 feet, a 75 cm ball should be used.

The exercise ball is such an effective tool because it immediately challenges your abs and limbs to stabilize you when you lie on the ball. This means that lifting weights and doing abdominal exercises will be a much more effective, once you are able to keep your balance on the ball. You can weight train on the ball, but lifting weights on your arms and legs will be more difficult, which will increase the resistance and allow your muscles to tone faster. You can also do crunches and ab exercises on the exercise ball. More muscles will be used in the process, which means you could eliminate inches off your waste sooner than you think.

If you engage in yoga or pilates, then you can use the exercise ball for stretching, since the ball will help you to elongate your body and adequately stretch your muscles so that you will reduce the risks of muscles strains and cramping. If you're just around the house and don't feel like going to the gym to use the treadmill, then you can use the ball to sit on while you're reading or watching television, since it will help you to perfect your posture, which leads to spine and back health.

To learn more about As Seen On TV exercise machines including The Ab Circle Pro Reviews please visit my review Blog

Sunday 15 March 2009

The Tranform 12 Home Gym

The Transform 12 Home Gym is the very latest in at home exercise equipment. Described as a total body transformation system it's a compact and easy to use home gym.

With the Transform12 you can exercise all of your major muscle groups. Unlike other exercise systems which require you to move from one piece of equipment to another the Transform 12 enables you to complete your workout without having to move more than a couple of inches.

It will target your abs,buns,arms,legs and chest. Not much is known about this exercise systems effectiveness because it's so new. As soon as more information is available I'll post comprehensive review here.

For now if you'd like more information on The Transform 12 Home Gym please follow the link.